

"It is only too true that a lot of artists are mentally ill – it’s a life which, to put it mildly, makes one an outsider. I’m all right when I completely immerse myself in work, but I’ll always remain half crazy."
Vincent Van Gogh, Dutch Post-Impressionist

I find this quote humorous...maybe a bit disconcerting. Is it just artists who are the crazy ones or is everyone half-crazy, uncertain, and abnormal (whatever "normal" is, thanks Rosemary). Perhaps artists are merely the ones who take the time and are vulnerable enough to share their craziness with the weary world.


  1. This piece is wonderful. The face that is only just barely there draws the viewer in. The red adds emphasis, since it is the most saturated. I also love the Van Gogh quote.

  2. I love this series. The touch of red creates the form. Excellent quote as well...so funny and so true.

  3. I agree with Rosemary. I think when you truly accept your gifting as an artist instead of trying to be that perfect person in the eyes of every single person you meet, you feel natural, crazy, totally immersed in your emotions. You have to give up your sanity to be a truly "crazy-good" artist like Van Gogh. But I like it. It's also nice to have people who are crazy like you to share in it. And like you said, I think everyone has to be a little bit crazy because art wouldn't continue to be so appealing to humans if artists and viewers who appreciate art weren't both "crazy" enough to like it. Crazy is beautiful!
